Chaoyang and Ziyan glance at each other and at the same time escape from the soul and hide their bodies.

Ziyan’s soul-splitting method is like a Baiyun Tower. At once, her eyes lit up, and the little world of ghosts came back. Brilliant light shines on people’s eyes, and the dancing fireworks are really tempting … "This door of the underworld is easy to get in but difficult to get out. It’s good to keep …

"Well, you can tell your parents whenever you say." Qin Yue always listens to these things simply.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin, for being so considerate." Jane stood up and stretched out her hand to help him pinch his shoulders and beat his back. "You are busy with your work and ignore me." She’s here. How can Qin Yue ignore her? It’s because his self-control has always been so strong that she can’t …

Listening to the snow, there was a one-foot-long and two-inch deep sword mark on the sword stone. The Baiyun Tower was amazed. I didn’t expect that the power of edgewise was so great just now.

There are some special gains in this attempt. The practice of magic is the appearance. Only by seeing through the source of dharma and tracing back can we see the real road. Time hurried to the school fencing teaching day again. Just one lesson, a group of ten figures, please try the first Xuanyi senior …

Maybe they are really inappropriate. Many times in life, we don’t know what we really need, and what we miss becomes a frequent occurrence. However, we feel that Cao Aihua doesn’t belong to this category. She is very sure about what she wants, and she is not greedy for what she wants.

This is really not a lot of people can grasp it well, and Shen Li is reminded in my heart. Alas! I sighed heavily and leaned against the sofa. The rainstorm has been much smaller. The whole city looks clear and refreshing. I bought some snacks in the pastry shop, packed up my mood and …


"ah! Penalty … Penalty again! Today’s game is interesting! " "From the slow-motion playback, Faraoni really pulled down Trollos … There is no problem with this penalty!" "After being cheated by Neymar’s diving once in the first half, the referee resolutely gave Barcelona a penalty. Although the reason for this time is impeccable, I still …

"Regret?" Wang Haidi pulled out a pistol and pulled out the last bullet from his pocket and put it into the magazine, smoking a cigarette and laughing every time. "Why not regret it?" ! I overestimate myself. I can rush into the city hall of Kiel to give the rebels a surprise. Meet me at the city hall. I can use my life to force the empire to stop entangled in those political struggles and let Kiel stay away from the war earlier. Now I am a few blocks away from the city hall and seven kilometers away from my home. I have not only failed to save Kiel, but also failed to protect my family! "

Lauren knew that the navy would talk about all kinds of regrets, and it was calm until the imperial navy god of war found the last bullet in his pocket and kept it for himself. He might have expected this moment. Bouncing around the battlefield, Lauren found a layer of wet fog suddenly in his …

When Tang Shiyan saw that she took a sip of soup, she stopped moving and took chopsticks to pick a girl with chopped pepper and fish head pepper.

Shen Xinyu looked up and said, "Didn’t you say that the chefs here don’t do anything but fish by themselves?" Tang Shiyan "" At this time, Shen Xinyu is not white, but I didn’t expect this usually unsmiling man to talk about jokes like this. Take a hard bite of chopped pepper fish. It tastes …

Mu Chen was stunned and frowned. "In that case, why doesn’t she go to Xue Han and make it clear herself?"

Lin Qiao smiled and said, "If you see Xue Han Isabella in Italy at this time, you will definitely not be able to go to court with peace of mind, so let us deliver the message for the time being." Muchen nodded and agreed to this matter. "Ok, I’ll call Xue Han when I go …

When she was pregnant, even the child’s biological father didn’t know. Why would Xiaodong, a scum, know?

"What do you say?" Xiaodong reached out and pinched Shen Lingxi’s jaw. "My good sister, how can you be so likable?" He turned a circle around her eyes looked at Shen Lingxi "I can’t bear to touch you. Why should that wild man touch you? You’re pregnant with him. Do you think he deserves to …

"I watched the game, uncle."

Even if married, Avril Lavigne still calls Changsheng Uncle. "I’m proud of you. The media are full of reports praising you and your team, uncle. " Changsheng’s drowsiness dissipated, and he said to Avril Lavigne, "Oh, really?" What did the media say? " Changsheng really doesn’t know what the media said about the game. After …